segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2008

Regras de Conduta

Neste blogue já foram descritas regras de "Boa Conduta" nas operações via satélite. Não somos polícias, mas "as boas ou más acções ficam com quem as pratica". Houve um colega que me
perguntou, em tempos, de onde tinha tirado as regras.

Transcrevo na versão original os mesmos lamentos do colega OZ1MY.

Hi all,This is a short version of an article I wrote in2000 about using FM (single channel) satellites.

The reason for using bandwidth for it is that I listened to AO-16 at the pass with AOS at 1621 UTC herefrom Copenhagen. It was awful - but unfortunatelyjust a repetition of what has been going on forthe last couple of month on other FM satellites.

I do not think anyone made a real QSO. One particular radioamateur counted 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 over most of the pass ??

Short version:

The golden rule - do not transmit if you can not hear the downlink.

Calling "CQ satellite" 3 - 4 or more times and give the call and the full locator at the same time is non-productive. It simply takes too long time. Experienced operators easily pickout new stations using a short CQ call.It is not really necessary to call CQ - just give your call.

Considerate operating practice allows a QSO to finish.

Many operators on the FM satellites do not adhere to this.

You very often find a station calling on top of a running QSO,which makes the QSO take much longer time than necessary. Often it is because the QSO takes a long time, which leads to the next "rule".

Make the QSO short when the satellite is busy. Valid QSO's just need to exchange calls and signal report. That is it.You do not need locator or operator name. If there is very little traffic OK go ahead and talk about anything - but notwhen the satellite is busy.

Here in Europe we also have the habit of asking for the full lokator.

I have tried to avoid that, but I have failed in this respect.

For a terrestrial QSO or in a contest you need the full lokator - but not for a satellite QSO.

A considerate operator will make one QSO per pass. If you are anexperienced operator, who has made a lot of contacts before -limit your contacts to new stations.

Do not use the FM satellites to elaborate on the weathersituationin your local area, when the satellite is busy.

Give priority to portable and mobile stations if they can hear the satellite.

Give DX stations (rare calls) a chance to get through.I have witnessedJW stations being "drowned" by local QSO's.

Look at your satellite tracking program in order to avoid calling stations that are out of the footprint.

If someone is really annoying - don't try to block their signal - tryto send them an e-mail especially if they are from your own country.

Also respect if people want to use their own native language. It is perfectly OK to talk Danish, German or any other language, as long as theydo not carry on for many minutes.

AND no - I do not want to be a policeman on the satellites :-)
AND please no flames.

73 OZ1MY Ib

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...


Eu não sou nem de perto nem de longe radio-amador, no entanto como gostaria de meter neste mundo comecei por baixo e sou utilizador de PMR de forma recreativa. Ao pesquisar na net apanhei um colega espanhol no youtube a demonstrar como não é necessário um equipamento muito evoluído e uma antena xpto para conseguir um QSO via satélites de radio-amador...Mas realmente era o caos total e não haveria melhor maneira de descrever o que ouvi do que este texto...

Como se pode por "ordem" nunca situação destas ?